<aside> 🎉 What a blast. 136 participants, 20 Teams, 3 weeks. Thank you everyone for participating and see you next year! The three hackathon winners are:
Voice of Jungle (Best Overall Project)
Confused_scientists (Best Visualisation)
You can now explore all of the teams’ posters below!
Organized by ETH AI Center and GainForest, The AI+Environment EcoHackathon is designed to spark interest in environmental conservation and to develop insightful analyses through the use of AI and data visualization techniques to tackle pressing ecological issues, and protect the Amazon Rainforest. The best submissions are deployed in the Amazon during the XPRIZE Finals on July 11th.
<aside> 💡 We are open to all ideas and teams are invited to come up with their own project proposals. Alternatively, teams can also tackle mentor challenges and insights.
<aside> 💡 Lacking ideas? Below is a list of insights curated by our mentors that are open challenges
Once you have a team name, every team has three superpowers they can take advantage of
<aside> 🕵️ LABELLING Every team can apply for one day of data labelling for a data set by a domain expert, organized by ETH BiodivX. Contact Mentor Gabriel Pirow on WhatsApp or Discord.
<aside> ⚙ COMPUTE The best pitches on 27th May will be run on a supercomputer, generously sponsored by Jülich Forschungszentrum.
<aside> 🦜 LOCAL KNOWLEDGE Teams can ask about Indigenous and traditional knowledge through our Mentor Marina Gatto on WhatsApp or Discord.